Wednesday December 2nd, 2015 / Victor“Restaurant syndicate” opens the restaurant B.I.G.G.I.E

“Restaurant syndicate” opens the restaurant B.I.G.G.I.E.

On the Kutuzov Avenue in late November, the restaurant B.I.G.G.I.E. It is opened by the holding “Restaurant syndicate” at the place of the closed restaurant Beefbar Junior. The Village was told about it by the representatives of the institution.

The chef in B.I.G.G.I.E. Ilya Blagoveshchensky from Rostov-on-Don will work. In a new place they promise to cook from Russian products from the regions. According to the restaurant representatives, beef and duck supplies from the Rostov region have already been set up. From there, they will supply mullet and pike perch. Halibut and salmon will be brought from Murmansk. A chicken, seasonal root vegetables, antonovku and farmer’s sour cream – from the suburbs.


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